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Speaker Profile

Dr. Daniel Upchurch

Medical Psychologist & Professor

About Dr. Upchurch

Dr. Daniel Upchurch is a professor, consultant and owner of Positivity Plus, a telemental health app created for students. He has over 15 years of experience in research and psychological assessment and has written multiple books and articles examining psychosocial disparities existent within various communities. In recognition of his work, he has received a number of faculty and community awards and has been interviewed by the Washington Post and several other News Outlets.

Over the course of his career, Dr. Upchurch has worked with several academic institutions and community stakeholders in various capacities, including but not limited to, hosting several TEDx talks, establishing academic programs, and managing grant-funded initiatives. He has a post-doctoral degree in Clinical Psychopharmacology and other degrees in Psychology. In his spare time, Dr. Upchurch loves spending time with his children and working in the community.

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